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8.3 - Basics of the SELECT statement

The Basics of SELECT

The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database and is most ofter referred to as a Query. In this lesson, we will concentrate on retrieving data from a single table only.

You can think of a table as an entity (example: movies), and each row as a specific instance of that entity type (example: Avatar, Star Wars, Toy Story). Therefore, the columns represent the various properties of those entities (i.e. Title, Director, Year, Length).

The basic form of the SELECT statement, at this point in the course is:

SELECT <field list comma separated>
FROM <source name>
WHERE <one or more comparison expressions>
ORDER BY <field list comma separated>;

The SELECT and FROM parts of the statement are required, the WHERE and ORDER BY parts are optional.

Order of Execution

When we look at the basic SELECT statement, we might assume that it is either executed all at once, due to its' semi-colon syntax, or it is executed from top to bottom, like most sequential applications run.  However, this is not the case in SQL.  There is an order to the execution of the statement that must be understood, as it has consequences to how the statement can be used. 

For the four basic parts of the statement in this lesson, the order of execution is:

  1. FROM
  2. WHERE

In English, we might say "FROM this source, WHERE something is true, SELECT these fields and calculations, and ORDER BY the output by these fields."

We will refer back to the Order of Execution many times through this course when the lesson is impacted by the order of execution.


Id Title Director Year Length_minutes
1 Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 81
2 A Bug's Life John Lasseter 1998 95
3 Toy Story 2 John Lasseter 1999 93
4 Monsters, Inc. Pete Docter 2001 92
5 Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton 2003 107
6 The Incredibles Brad Bird 2004 116
7 Cars John Lasseter 2006 117
8 Ratatouille Brad Bird 2007 115

The basic query has 2 mandatory parts, the SELECT part and the source, FROM, part and is written as follows:

SELECT <column1>, <column2>, <columnN>
FROM <tablename>;

For example using the above table:

SELECT id, title, director
FROM movies;

A few points to note:

The results of this query are a table of rows and columns including only those columns requested in the statement.

If we wanted to retrieve an exact copy of ALL the data stored in a table, we use the * shorthand.  This retrieves all columns from the data table and the columns are presented in the same order as the way the table was created in the first place.

SELECT * FROM movies;

practice exercises

Queries when No Table is Involved

There are many times when you need to output something that is not in a table.  MS SQL allows you to execute a SELECT statement without the FROM clause. The FROM part of the SELECT statement is typically required, but you do not want to choose an existing table as it would load it into memory unnecessarily.

SELECT getdate();

outputs a single row, single column table with the value 'X' in it.

SELECT 2 * 7 AS number

is an example where no table is needed, we just need to value.

The removal of the FROM clause is used most when dealing with dates, especially when dates are relative to the current date: today, yesterday, tomorrow, next Monday, next week, last week, this year, etc.