5 - Data Definition Language (DDL)

Table of Contents

Reading Materials

Welcome to Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 and a shift in the SQL we are learning.  We are now going to dive a little deeper into DDL, Data Definition Language, and start to write SQL code to create physical tables in a database given the design specifications.  We will learn the design of the specifications in the 2nd half of this course.  After completing this week, you will be able to:

Data Types

Data types are an important topic in database design, but is somewhat controversal with resepct to standards, efficiencies and personal opinions.  We will try and give you as many facts as we can such that you can decide the best data type to use in various scenarios.  This choice is alse greatly hampered by the difference in data types between different DBMSs and their inconsistent adoption of ISO standards.

For this content, we will concentrate on data types for Oracle and SQL Server.  We will cover both in this case, because of the great difference between the 2 and the implementation of standards and consistency.  You will be using the Oracle version for this course, but it is important that database developers are familiar with the standards in all DBMSs.

In the chart below are the following notation:

Chart References:

Oracle - https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28318/datatype.htm#CNCPT012

SQL Server - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/data-types-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15

Variable Type Oracle SQL Server Size Storage Description
Integer number(3) TinyInt 0 to 255 1 Byte 1 Byte storage
Integer number(5) SmallInt -32,768 to 32,767 2 Bytes 2 Bytes storage
Integer Int Int -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 4 Bytes 4 Bytes storage
Integer number(19) BigInt 2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807) 8 Bytes 8 Bytes storage
Decimal shortdecimal Decimal(p,s) - 10^38 +1 through 10^38 - 1 Precision/Storage
1-9, 5 Bytes
10-19, 9 bytes
20-28, 13 Bytes
29-38, 17 Bytes
Fixed Precision and Scale numbers. Precision Storage bytes 1 - 9 5 10-19 9 20-28 13 29-38 17
Decimal   Numeric(p,s) - 10^38 +1 through 10^38 - 1 Fixed Precision and Scale numbers.
Decimal   SmallMoney −214,478.3648 to 214,478.3647 4 Bytes  
Decimal   Money -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 8 Bytes Used for currency
Decimal/Int Number(p,s)   -1 x 10-130 to 1 x 10-125 up to 38 SigDig    
Decimal Decimal Float(n) - 1.79E+308 to -2.23E-308, 0 and 2.23E-308 to 1.79E+308 n=1-24, 4 Bytes
n=25-53, 8 Bytes
Approximate Numeric
Decimal   Numeric(p,s)      
Boolean   bit 0 or 1 only 1 Byte for each 8 bit fields  
Variable Type Oracle SQL Server Size Storage Description
fixed length char(n) char(n) 8000 characters n Bytes fixed width string variable.  Best used with strings that are always the same length.  Phone numbers, serial numbers, GUIDs, Country Codes, etc.
variable length varchar(n) varchar(n) 8000 characters (non-unicode) n + 2 Bytes variable length strings.  Used for most string fields where the length changes.  Examples:   Names, Cities, Country Names, etc.
variable length   varchar(max) 2^31 characters n + 2 bytes  
variable length varchar2(n)   4000 characters (standard) n bytes  
variable length   nvarchar(n) 4000 unicode characters n*2 + 2 bytes The most common used data type in SQL Server for international data. Because it stored UNICODE characters, it is well setup to handle international language, especially languages like chinese, korean, and hindi with special and unique characters.
variable length long text 2,147,483,647 characters n + 4 bytes is a string field intended for large amounts of data.  Examples: HTML Content, JSON Content, large descriptions, content management systems
Dates and Times
Variable Type Oracle SQL Server Size Storage Description
  date date 0001-01-01 to 999-12-31 3 Bytes  
    datetime 1753-01-01 to 9999-12-31 8 Bytes  
    smalldatetime 1900-01-01 to 2079-06-06 4 Bytes  
    time 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.99999 5 Bytes  
    datetime2 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31 6 Bytes  

The above data type list is not at all exhaustive, there are many specialty data types in each DBMS for specific reasons. For example, SQL Server has an image type that is specific for saving a binary stream of data such that it can be read, wrttien and changed easily through software.

When choosing the right data type for fields in the database, there are really only a few things to consider for beginners. Some of these are as follows:

Required Choice
Fixed width strings char(n)
Variable width strings varchar(n)
Variable width strings with UNICODE characters nvarchar(n)
Integers (up to 255) number(3)
Integers (up to 32,000) shortinteger
Integers (over 32,000 up to 2,000,000,000) integer
Decimals number(p,s)
Dates Date
Booleans number(1)


In the business world, there are many rules surrounding business and the workflow of data.  Constraints are used to assist in controlling how data is stored and place limitations, security and ensure consistency of data. We have already discussed a few of the constraints before, but in this module we will visit all 7 constraints in depth and show you how they are implemented at both creation time and afterwards.

The 7 constraint are:

Constraint Description Notes
Primary Key The field are fields used to uniquely identify individual rows in a table. Every table must have a single primary key.  A Primary Key can be made up of more than one field (called a composite Key)  By default, a PK is unique and an index in Oracle.
Foreign Key A Key that enforces referential integrity between the child record and the parent table.  The FK is placed on the child record table. Foreign Keys can have cascading options as described in week 2.
Required Fields that are not allowed to have NULL values Uses the NOT NULL syntax
Unique Requires every value in a column to be different. Examples of fields where this can be used would include: email address, phone number, SIN, login or username.
Default Value If a value is commonly used, then a default can be setup to ease the amount of effort in entering data. Example: Kids playing in a city soccer league will almost all likely have the same city in their address, so make it the default value.
Check Range Range constraints allow the developer to place limits or acceptable ranges on the data being entered as a value. Example: A students grade must have a value between 0 and 100.  No other values will be permitted.
Index Indexes have various forms, but a generally used to pre-sort the data by the chosen field(s) such that search and sorting records will be more efficient. Example: The phone book is typically indexed by last name.  Logins, email addresses and other unique fields are often good candidates for indexing.

Typically, there are different ways to implement these constraints, as will be shown in the next module, but it is recommended that methods that allow naming of the constraints to be preferred.  Constraints are objects of their own in the database and therefore can be added, changed and removed independantly of thier associated tables.  Therefore, they are named regardless if the developer chose a name or not.  When it is time to drop or change existing constraints, it is easiest done by name.  However, if the name is unknown and was automatically generated, it makes this process much more difficult.  By naming, the constraints, the developer knows the name and can easily make the alterations required.


Here we are at the heart of DDL and where we need to start with writing SQL to create tables.  The basic syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement is a little complex for those new to SQL but we will get you through it.

CREATE TABLE <tablename> (
    <fieldname_1> <datatype> <constraints>,
    <fieldname_2> <datatype> <constraints>,
    <fieldname_n> <datatype> <constraints>,
    CONSTRAINT <constraintname> <constraintType> <constaint parameters> 

So lets examine the script we used last week for our samples and create the players table first.  Here are the design specifications we will use, followed by the SQL script to create the table.

TABLE: players
FieldName Type Size Required PK/FK Other
playerid integer    
firstname string 20    
lastname string 20    
teamid integer        
DROP TABLE players;   -- run this command first if you still have the players table in your database from last week.
CREATE TABLE players (
playerID    INT 	    PRIMARY KEY,
firstName   VARCHAR(20)     NOT NULL,
lastName    VARCHAR(20)     NOT NULL,
teamID      INT 

Some things to note above:

Let us examine

TABLE: teams
FieldName Type Size Required PK/FK Other
teamid integer    
teamname string 15    
maxPlayers int     default 0, range from 0 to 25
shirtcolor string 20      
homeField string 15      
DROP TABLE teams;   -- run this command first if you still have the teams table in your database from last week.
teamID      INT         PRIMARY KEY,
teamName    VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
maxPlayers  INT	DEFAULT 0,
shirtColor  VARCHAR(10),
homeField   VARCHAR(15),
CONSTRAINT maxPlayer_chk CHECK (maxPlayers BETWEEN 0 AND 25)


TABLE: fields
FieldName Type Size Required PK/FK Other
fieldname string 15  
address string 50    
manager string 25      
fieldname   VARCHAR(15),
Address     VARCHAR(50),
Manager     VARCHAR(25),
PRIMARY KEY(fieldname)

In this 3rd example, we chose to add the PRIMARY KEY constraint as  separate line.  This is the method that must be used for composite keys.  Example:  PRIMARY KEY(field1, field2)

Adding a Foreign Key in CREATE statement

Notice that we did not add any foreign keys that will enforce referential integrity between realted fields.  Let us now recreation the teams table and add a foreign key to the fields tables at creation time.

DROP TABLE teams;   -- run this command first if you still have the teams table in your database from previous work.
teamID      INT         PRIMARY KEY,
teamName    VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
maxPlayers  INT	DEFAULT 0,
shirtColor  VARCHAR(10),
homeField   VARCHAR(15),
CONSTRAINT maxPlayer_chk CHECK (maxPlayers BETWEEN 0 AND 25),
CONSTRAINT team_field_fk FOREIGN KEY (homefield) REFERENCES fields(fieldname)



So in the last example where we had to add the foreign key to the teams table, we dropped the table and then recreated it.  This is okay when you are first creating a new blank database, but this is not possible if there is already data in the table without losing the data.  Therefore, there must be a way to change the table after it has already been created, without dropping it.  This is where the ALTER statement comes in.

The ALTER statement has many syntaxes as it is used for many things, so we will simply provide a variety of examples to give you the general form of the statement.  Google is always a good friend when trying to figure out how to do specific things.

Example: We need to add a Foreign Key, to enforce referential integrity, to the teamid field in the players table such that we can not accidently put a player on a team that does not exist, and can not delete a team after a player has already been assigned to it.

    ADD CONSTRAINT player_teams_fk FOREIGN KEY (teamID) REFERENCES teams(teamID);

As you can see, the syntax for the FK constraint is almost identical to the previous version in the CREATE statement, with the addition of the word ADD in front of it.  We then just need to use the ALTER part of the statement to know which table or object is being altered.

Adding a New Column

If we needed to add a new column to a table after it already exists without losing any data, we could use the ALTER statement for that.  Let us add a field for date of birth for the players.

    ADD date_of_birth DATE;  -- could add constraints here too if needed, or use ALTER to add them after.

Dropping a Column

    DROP COLUMN date_of_birth;

Dropping a Constaint

    DROP CONSTRAINT player_teams_fk;

Note, dropping a constraint is hard to do if you do not know the name of the constraint.


The DROP statement is a powerful tool while developing a database and very dangerous in a live production database.  Use Caution.

To DROP an object from the database use the syntax:

DROP objecttype objectname;

To drop the fields table, we would use the command:

DROP TABLE fields;

Drop tables can also be affected by referential integrity, if we had player data in the players table that referred to

If a table that you are dropping has constraints on it, be careful to not break data integrity and leave orphaned records.  However, if you ultimately are deleting the table, then you should use the following statement to drop both the table and it's associated constraint(s).

DROP TABLE <tablename> Cascade Constraints;

Temporary Tables

Temporary tables are an important part of database management and software development.  Although they break most design rules of database theory, they play an important role.  Some of the reasons for temporary tables include:

Creating Tables Based on Other Tables

Practice Exercises

Data Types


Create, Alter, Drop

Temp Tables